Information to clients regarding the government assistance and extensions amid the COVID-19 pandemic:
(Please note that the information is constantly changing and being updated, we recommend clients review the most recent updates)
Announcement #30 Interest Relief for Individuals and CERB Repayment Relief for Self-employment
Announcement #29 COVID-19: Ontario's 2nd State of Emergency, Stay-at-Home Order
Announcement #28 CEWS Update and Ontario Small Business Support Grant (2020-12-24)
Announcement #27 The New CERS Rent Subsidy (2020-11-23)
Announcement #26 CEWS Extension & CEBA Enhancement & new CERS (2020-10-27)
Announcement #25 CEBA Extension & T4 Filing Information (2020-09-01)
Announcement #24 CERB Extension (2020-08-21)
Announcement #5 Government Assistance Benefit Update (Also available in Chinese here) (2020-04-06)
To apply for the CERB by phone please use: 1-800-959-2019 or 1-800-959-2041
The contents of these webinars are prepared by IMPACT CPAs LLP/ChimSeto CPAs LLP for the sole purpose of providing general guidance and is not intended to provide professional advice as individual situations will differ. While we have made every attempt to ensure the information contained in these webinars has been obtained from reliable sources, IMPACT CPAs LLP/ChimSeto CPAs LLP is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. We do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the information.
此网络研讨会的内容由IMPACT CPAs LLP/ChimSeto CPAs LLP 准备,目的是提供一般性指导, 而并非旨在提供专业建议,因为个人具体情况会有所不同。尽管我们已经尽一切努力来确保本次网络研讨会中的信息来源是可靠的,但IMPACT CPAs LLP/ChimSeto CPAs LLP对任何错误、遗漏,或引致的任何直接、间接、特殊偶然性、后果性或惩罚性的损失或任何其他损失概不负责。我们不保证信息的完整性,准确性和及时性。